Thursday, August 15, 2013

Quick update: Wind Cave

Just a quick update since I have internet.  I have added pics to the Yellowstone/ Grand Teton section, so check them out.  The last couple of days I have been in Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota.  Compared to the last few parks I had been to, this one was small, tucked away in the Black Hills.  As you imagine, it's main attraction is a huge expanse of caves underground, but in the short time I was there, I was able to see tons of wildlife as well: Bison, pronghorn, deer, elk and tons of prairie dogs.

A small glimpse of the caverns

The big guys of the plains...
I also took a couple different tours of the cave, which is different from other similar caves.  Instead of the dripping water and stalactite formations that you expect to see in a cave, it is unique in having a rare formation called Box Rock, which is only formed in old underground lakes.  It was a cool couple of tours along paths created in the 30's, and different then any of the other parks I had visited.  I wish I had been able to get better pictures though!
...and the little ones.

I'm now heading over to Badlands for a few days until my brother joins me!  Should be fun.

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